Bring Back Treasure Hunting! ! !!
Every post so far has been deleted by admins for one excuse or another, but just like the renegadism and independant free thinkers that make great countries and fight oppression I will not be silenced, LOL.
Sure this may have been suggested before and I have seen the all to calm and logical sounding arguements in these forums posted no doubt by those that can't handle change very well.
1) We are playing a game that offers up a diversion from the real insanity of the world at present, something which we enjoy, or seemingly. But just like television which did not have any alternative or competition a few years ago, it becomes a habit and we were forced to put up with a lot of the malarky that they delivered/deliver. You must ask yourselves if you enjoyed it is it still as much fun to try and treasure hunt now? Sure there are other aspects but sometimes we develop our preferences of the various components of something and if a game is to remain viable or entertaining it has to loose the control it aspect.
2) There will always be "markets" for items and it will get saturated if there is too much, no loss there, so why bother to make it more difficult or have less chests, fewer drops etc etc etc.
3) NCsoft has been bragging to the press about how their developers have been beaten up in bars, mugged on the street and threatened for "items" and preference, is this not part of their master plan to build a bunch of curiosity and supposed following leading to more sales?
4) I started playing Diablo many year ago and was wondering what kept me going through the long arduous battles over and over again when surely there were little in the way of redeeming qualities in what was being done other than the battles. It turned out to be the treasure hunting for for on rare occassion some fantastic item (not too rare mind you). If the continuous and punitive measures persist for treasure hunting then once you get that ridiculous 12,000 "high-end" chests and 12,000 "indentifieds" title, there will no one there to applaude you. I also have a real life and if areanet or ncsoft does not understand that it will be their loss for sure. Defection to more savvy games/deveopers/publishers, and mass exodus. I am not alone.
5) There are many very interesting and fun components to this game. For some it is acting like the unfeeling, unblinking warrior that is beyond dispute in their capacity to win. For others it is the flexibility of the character to dressup, dance, chat carry on quests without care or concern. Still yet others like the art work of weapons skins and armor and developing the characteristics and attributes of their characters and analyzing skills. Treasure hunting is but a portion of this. I do recognize that I like a diversion from mapping, questing, battling and all the rest in the form of looking for what perfect golds I can get.
I hope someone will recognize acknowledge this in less of a 'microcosm' but see it as another small way to improve the game play, keep the following and resist the temptation to sound authoritative by saying it is unimportant, or contributes to a grey market, or they are tired of other people selling things.
I mean why would they release items in such ridiculous short supply such as mini pet awards if not to observe how the marketing is developing, lol, [which may be their next avenue of revenue]. I mean character slots were devised to help you manage inventory not so that you would spend 8 million hrs, yes and exaggeration, developing another character. They have new releases slated for every 6 months and can see unless they stop being so restrictive a failure of the franchise.